On July 20th NASA will launch a new spacecraft mission to the Planet Mars, the Mission called MARS2020 will deliver a car sized rover named Perseverance to the surface of Mars. Perseverance Rover will search the Martian landscape for signs of possible passed life in the form of bio-signatures. My presentation will discuss this Mission from building the rover, to launch and landing on Mars. In addition, I'll talk about Mars's historical impact on our human imaginations and what we've learned about Mars over the last 60 years.
This once in a decade mission will follow in the footsteps of other NASA Mars Rovers, such as Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity and the still active Curiosity Rover. Perseverance Rover will land in Jezero Crater, the site of a 3.5 billion year old paleo lake. Will Perseverance Rover find the bio-signatures of passed Martian life?
Register HERE.
About Vince Smith
Vince Smith has been following NASA planetary missions since the 1960's. From the Voyager Spacecraft's 'Grand Tour' of the Solar System, to New Horizons fly-by of Pluto and the long lasting NASA Rover missions on the Planet Mars. Vince brings a wealth of interest and knowledge to his presentations.
*COVID Protocol
Attendees list maintained for Contact Tracing, if necessary
Attendees to self-check themselves (temperature reading, etc.. ) prior to the event and before entering the facility. Attendees are reminded if they feel sick, to alert the event organizer and to stay at home. Organizers are to ask Attendees if this was completed as guests enter the facility.
Mask requirement. Masks are required at all times while in the facility. Masks may be removed temporarily for eating and while presenting at events.
Physical distancing guidelines. A 6-foot physical proximity guideline of social distancing to be followed while in the facility.
Attendees are to remain downstairs.
Parking and transportation
If you will be driving to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox, you can park on the street in the metered (coin-only) stalls, or you can park in Lot C next to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox. You may park in the numbered stall and pay the $6 flat rate at the cash box near the entrance on Ilalo Street. As a heads up, this is an unattended lot, so you will need exact change.
Alternatively, you can take a Lyft here and use either of the following codes:
New User: "ESANDBOXHI" for $2 off first 10 rides
Existing User: "ESANDBOX19" for $5 off Lyft XL; seats up to 6
There is also Biki station in front of the Entrepreneur Sandbox on Ilalo Street if you'd like to bike here.