Comprising Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and beyond, Extended Reality (XR) bridges the real world with the boundlessness of our imagination! HIFF XR is proud to present a free program of VR and AR pieces by VR storytellers and XR world builders from around the globe.
Step into our HIFF XR LOUNGE at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox for access to VR headsets that will immerse you completely within the digital world. Both our in-person and online audience can view select AR and 360° web-based experiences from anywhere through a mobile device or computer. Discover the power of XR and allow it to transport you through the dynamic and inspiring vehicle of immersive storytelling.
This experience will be FREE to the public and will be available in-person at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox NOV 20 & 21 from 12:00PM – 6:00PM. Visitors are REQUIRED to register in advance for a time-slot to participate. Click “Register Here” to view all of the HIFF XR Showcase experience options.
Health and Safety Information:
VR might not be suitable for all users. Young users may find it difficult to comfortably wear a headset, so VR is not appropriate for children under the age of 8. In some cases, participating in VR experiences may cause discomfort for some people, including nausea, dizziness, headaches, disorientation or injury.
Due to executive order, everyone entering must provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccine or negative test. Masks must be worn at all times. CDC-approved sanitation supplies will be used to sanitize headsets before and after each usage.