**I’ve been descending deeper into Applied A.I. Interfaces for Hospitality, Agriculture and Small Business. Some topics that I find most promising:**
1. **A.I. in the Hospitality Industry for Guest Communications**
* Suggested Replies
* Automated Replies
* Action Routing
* Hospitality Agents (a case study w/ Cloudbeds)
* **Tentative: Drones + A.I.**
* aerial imagery via drones
* object detection via YOLO
* image analysis via GPT4-vision
* holistic reasoning via LLMs
* Please reach out if you have personal A.I. project updates
* You can message me here or find me at https://join.slack.com/t/oahuai/shared_invite/zt-2t01f01t1-_EXh2UsyY_QJu1527j42KQ